
Get Out of Your Head by Shaking Your Head

Have you ever noticed how tensions and worries seem to accumulate in the neck and head, leaving you feeling foggy or overwhelmed?

What if you could release your tension and have it feel cathartic, satisfying, embodied, and dare I say... FUN?!

A powerful somatic (body-based) technique I find to be really effective for dropping out of STORY and clearing mental clutter is shaking out the head. Its a simple practice that restores balance to your nervous system. The faster we move our heads, the less you are caught up in intrusive thoughts.

Just like animals, the practice of shaking and releasing stored tension in the neck, jaw, and head, leads to a discharge of accumulated stress and promotes relaxation.

As the nervous system regulates, my clients often experience a greater sense of groundedness and presence, fostering resilience and well-being.


Clearing the Root Chakra


Music Mantras with Marisa- "I can handle this"