
Come Back to YOU

Neuroplasticity in the Body, Mind, and Spirit:

Our culture, beliefs, and experiences shape the way we move in the world and can keep us stuck in patterns of fear, rigidity, and powerlessness. When we engage in a dialogue between the body and our emotional landscape, we begin to access an avenue for deep healing. Expressive Arts Therapy aims to take the combined experience of sensations, emotions, and movement impulses in the present moment and gives them a safe and creative outlet for healthy processing.

I enjoy guiding my clients through spontaneous, ecstatic, and non linear movements, sounds, and somatic processes in order to rewire outdated and rigid patterns in their nervous systems and their bodies. This can look like slithering out of bed, skipping to the car, and physically shaking out the stress and resistance.

A breakthrough experience usually requires qualities which most of us have trouble with in daily life: letting go of our attachments, tolerating chaos without abandoning ourselves, suspending black and white thinking/judgements, paying more attention to our inner world rather than the outer appearance, and cultivating the qualities of acceptance, patience, trust, self discipline, and open mindedness.


Healing with Iboga


Medicine Music with Marisa